Chatting with God - "Sometimes, Lord . . ."
Hello, Lord. I wanted to . . . Well – if it doesn’t offend – I was thinking . . . uhm . . . Oh, blow this. You know everything, so who am I trying to kid? Here we go. Sometimes, Lord – with all respect – You feel far. I start praying, and it’s as if I’m talking to the wall. “Thank You so much for the blessing of today and everything You spoiled me with.” Blank silence. “I pray for Your Hand over this and that, and that You will intervene in Situation ABC.” Blank silence continues. “And please, Lord, heal H, and soften the heart of L.” Blank. “In Your precious Name I ask these things. Amen.” Blank, blank, blank. It’s like every word I say bounces off the ceiling and back into my tearstained face. So I get introspective, Father. What unconfessed sin is there in my heart? Who have I not forgiven? Which habits and desires do I need to get rid of? I do the necessary heart-cleaning, and try again. Uhm. Blank. I decide to chuck my to-pray-for-list and just glorify You...